On Saturday 17th December, an awards ceremony was held at the Care in Mind 2022 Christmas party, to celebrate the achievements of our wonderful staff across the organisation.

The awards recognise the individuals and teams who emulate the Care in Mind values and go above and beyond in making a difference to lives of the young people we support, and to their colleagues.

Staff across the organisation were invited to nominate their colleagues across the 10 categories.

Head of Residential Services, Lauren Ugbode said “On behalf of the Executive Management Team, we would like to thank all our staff across all teams and departments who each do an outstanding job in looking after the young people within our services. These awards recognise individuals for their hard work, dedication and commitment to everything we do at Care in Mind. The categories are based on the Care in Mind Values, which underpin the culture and heart of the organisation. Huge congratulations to all our winners!”

In addition to the ten Care in Mind Values awards, this year there were two additional accolades awarded, one to acknowledge Outstanding Achievement and one for Special Recognition.

The full details of all the awards and the winners on the night can be found below:

Our 2022 Winners

Most Respectful Award: This person always listens; treats others with dignity and respect; and shows humility, honesty and integrity in everything they do.

Winner: John Hill, Senior Support Worker – Brockenhurst


Most Collaborative Award: This person involves staff and young people in sharing ideas, and bringing innovation. They recognise that people have a voice and encourage them to bring those thoughts and ideas. This person works as part of a team to bring the young people at the forefront of everything we do.

Winner: Lucie Hodkin, Support Worker – Woodside


Most Compassionate Award: This person always shows understanding and empathy towards others; champions passion an enthusiasm in everything they do; and shows a real understanding to the difference they/we make.

Winner: Wesley Brooks, Support Worker – Lyndhurst


Most Innovative Award: This person thinks differently to create positive outcomes for the organisation, young people and their colleagues. They always aim to do the best that they can do, inspire others and welcome new and creative ways of working

Winner: Sophie Albion, Senior Support Worker – Brockenhurst


Most Empowering Award: This person is passionate about providing a positive and enabling environment for staff and young people; they celebrate and achieve success not only for themselves but others around them; and they encourage others inclusive of young people to make decisions through responsibility and support.

Winner: Sarah Craven, Deputy Manager – Woodside


Most Committed Award: This person goes above and beyond to make a difference; they never give up and always strive to make a positive difference to the lives of the young people. This person never compromises on quality and encompasses effective and safe working practices.

Winner – Sam Norris, Dietetic Support Worker – Edge Brook


Clinician Award: This award celebrates the clinician who champions all of the Care in Mind Values and strives for excellence in all they do. This person not only lives and breathes Care in Mind but they have been a fantastic addition within the clinical team for their outstanding contribution to the young people and their goals.

Winner – Rachael Fletcher, Clinical Nurse Specialist – Yorkshire

Rachael Fletcher accepting awardRebecca Gration and Sarah Craven with their AwardSenior Residential Management Team


Head Office Team Values Award: This team embed each of the values to the highest possible standards whilst always going above and beyond. This team have worked incredibly hard in supporting their teams during such challenging times following the pandemic and subsequent staffing challenges but held their teams and the young people in mind in making positive changes within the organisation.

Winner – Senior Residential Management Team


Outstanding Leader Award: This person not only holds high integrity among peers and other teams, they have also demonstrated that they are highly invested in ensuring their service is high achieving and they are committed to their team’s development and continuous improvements. This leader has shown huge growth and ensures they share positive and best practice to support other teams too.

Winner – Rebecca Gration, Registered Manager – Woodside


Residential Home Award: This award celebrates the residential home that champions all of the Care in Mind Values. This home has received this award for always keeping the Care in Mind values at the heart of their practices and achieving amazing outcomes for the young people. This team strive for excellence in all they do.

Winner – Woodside


Outstanding achievement: This is awarded to acknowledge the outstanding contribution of two individuals to the governance structures that have been implemented, the support to not only the residential teams but their constant inter-departmental work, that often goes unrecognised unless you work with these people day in day out. They have been integral in each of the CQC inspections that have been carried out across the year, supported staff, young people and managers in achieving an amazing outcome for each home. We really do appreciate how they go above and beyond within their roles whilst encompassing all of the Care in Mind Values.

Winners –   James Lucas, Deputy Head of Residential Services

                        Tracy Sellors, Quality Compliance Manager

Woodside TeamJames LucasSophie Albion


Special Recognition Award: This is awarded to the team who constantly achieve fantastic results in the face of adversity. The management team and all of the staff constantly go above and beyond to ensure the effective running of the home whilst maintaining the highest of standards in the work they produce.

Winner – Willowhurst