
If you would like to discuss a potential referral; please call 0161 638 3285 or email at

We support young people with complex mental health presentations in multiple domains who require treatment through a specialist longer term recovery-focused care model, including young people who pose a significant risk to themselves e.g. high levels of self-harm, suicidality or self-neglect.

Our Young Person Profile:

  • Aged 16-30

We support young people with complex mental health presentations, including:

  • A Formal or Emerging Personality Disorder
  • Complex Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
  • Moderate or severe Depression and/or Anxiety
  • Psychotic Illnesses
  • Attachment Disorder
  • Eating Disorders
  • Complex risk presentation (including self-harm)
  • Adverse Childhood Experience (ACE)

There are certain factors that would require additional consideration prior to us offering assessment or placement within our services. These include:

  • Significant forensic backgrounds: although not an immediate exclusion criteria, careful consideration is given to referrals with a significant forensic history, accounting for the vulnerabilities and presentation of the other young people placed in each home. Similarly we would be unable to accept young people with persistent high risks to others, for example significant violence and aggression, or fire setting.
  • Risk of Childhood Sexual Exploitation (CSE): where a risk of CSE is identified, a screening tool will be used to determine vulnerability factors, how the risk is currently being managed and whether it is being tested out in the current placement, to inform the MDT decision making in our assessment process.

Exclusion Criteria 

  • Moderate to severe learning disabilities or Acquired Brain Injury: the capacity of a young person to be able to engage in our model of care, alongside their potential vulnerability within service and the case mix within each home are all taken into consideration when assessing and placing young people with a moderate learning disability or an acquired brain injury. We would request additional supporting information including detailed psychological and LD assessment reports to support our assessment process. We are unable to accept young people into the service who have a severe or profound learning disability.
  • No mental health diagnosis: We are unable to accept referrals where a young person’s has no diagnosed mental health condition and/or their primary presentation is behavioural.
  • Emergency referrals: due to the complex needs of the young people we support, and our least restrictive approach, it is important to ensure a planned, robust transition into the service, accounting for the development of relationships and the needs of the other young people within the home. Therefore we are unable to accept emergency referrals.

Referral Pathway



Our team are available to discuss potential referrals and advise on current vacancies.

We will request a completed referral form and supporting documentation including the most recent risk assessments/CPA reports.

You will receive an acknowledgement once this has been received.


Screening  (Within 24 hours of referral)

Our team will undertake initial screening to determine if we can provisionally meet the young person’s needs and consider appropriate matching with current placements.

Referral Pathway: Step 3 - Assessment (within 1 week of referral)Assessment (Within 1 week of referral)

Following authorisation to complete a face to face assessment we will endeavour to arrange to see the young person at their current placement. As part of this process, we would also wish to meet with members of the current care team and families/carers where appropriate to enable a holistic assessment.

Assessments are undertaken by one of our clinicians and a residential manager from one of our homes.

Referral Pathway: Step 4 - Initial Response Letter (within 72 hours of assessment)Initial Response (Within 72 hours of assessment)

The assessors will discuss the assessment with the multidisciplinary team and will provide an initial response advising the outcome within 72 hours.

Referral Pathway: Step 5 - Full Needs AssessmentFull Needs Assessment (Within 1 week of assessment)

A full needs assessment and formal offer of placement will be provided within 1 week of the assessment date.

Referral Pathway: Step 6 - TransitionTransition (On receipt of signed funding)

Transition can commence once formal, signed funding contracts have been received. Our team will devise an individualised transition plan, which typically takes place over an average of 4 weeks. This process allows a comprehensive handover as well as allowing the young person time to start building initial therapeutic relationships.