We are proud to share this inspiring article from the Manchester Evening News all about ex-service user Dom’s journey with Care in Mind and his ultimate move into independence. Please click here to read the article in full.

As Dom explains in the article, he spent 18 months living at Willowhurst, Preston, having transferred to us from an inpatient hospital setting. Although he was ready to be discharged from hospital, he still needed support with his mental health in a community setting. Dom says he was drawn to our least restrictive approach at Care in Mind and how he felt our team related to him when he first met them.

Dom talks about how supportive the staff team and MDT at Willowhurst were during his time there and how instrumental he feels they were in his recovery journey. When he first moved out of Willowhurst, Dom had an Independence package from Care in Mind, with tailored support from the MDT that reduced on a graded basis over time as he settled into independent living. He now works with the team as a Young Person’s Champion, sharing his experiences to improve service user involvement and co-production across the service. 

Deputy Residential Service Manager James Lucas also contributes to the article, sharing his experience of working in our specialist residential services, and how he feels Care in Mind value our teams and ensure our core values remain at the heart of we do.

Thank you so much to Dom and James for sharing their experiences; we are so proud of how far Dom has come and of the amazing job our staff team do in supporting our young people on their recovery journeys.

If you are interested in making a difference to lives of young people like Dom, you can view our career opportunities on our website Current Vacancies – Care in Mind, or email our recruitment team at jobs@careinmind.com