As a mental health care provider, our values are immensely important in helping us to achieve our core mission.
With a strong set of values, we are able to ensure that as individuals, we can understand each other and work towards the same goal. This is particularly important when it comes to working within mental health care, as our collective goal is to help people, and the most effective way we can achieve this is together.
Below, we are going to share with you how our values came to be, based on the words of Sharron Amri, our Managing Director:
The journey of creating the Care in Mind values was a process that took several months. It was important to get right as we knew that they would carve out the company culture and reflect who we are and what we care about to all our stakeholders. We also strongly felt that the values should be created collaboratively with the very staff that embody them, so our employee focus group was a key part of the process.
Firstly, the group looked at a number of visuals and everyone picked an image that they thought best described Care in Mind. Then, they reviewed the values of other companies, both big and small. After that, they discussed which images and words most related to the Care in Mind ethos.
Next, the group utilised Simon Sinek’s Golden Circle model and considered what our ‘why’ is. Why do we do what we do and what is our purpose? The overwhelming consensus was that we do what we do to make a difference to the young people we support. The group then came up with several words that described how we do this, and it was discussed which values the group felt were a good fit with our ‘why’.
From the session, the group decided on several values, which had to be narrowed down to our core values. This was achieved by sending an online survey out to all staff giving everyone the option of voting on which they felt were the most relevant words to describe our values. From this feedback the Care in Mind values were formed!
Our six values are: Respectful, Compassionate, Innovative, Collaborative, Empowering and Committed. Each and every value plays a role in informing what we do on a daily basis. They play a part in guiding residential staff through caring for our young people, they help managers to make decisions and they allow us all to work towards the same goals.
To learn more about our values, click here.